Bald Eagle performs picture perfect flyby

A couple weeks ago I had the privilege of witnessing a pair of eagles drive off a third that they felt was intruding on their territory.  As the event unfolded, the two aggressors performed many flybys as they circled and took stock of the interloper.

I captured many worthy images of them as they flew only about 20 feet over my head – this is one of them.  To view the complete gallery of their flybys, see below the main image.

For the narrative about the aerial duel and images of that, see here.

An aggressive Bald Eagle flies over on its way to try to drive off another eagle it felt was intruding on its territory.  (© Tony’s Takes)
An aggressive Bald Eagle flies over on its way to try to drive off another eagle it felt was intruding on its territory. (© Tony’s Takes)

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