Bald Eagle poised for launch into Freedom Friday

Perhaps not a technically well done picture thanks to the harsh lighting and shadows but kind of a fun image.

Having just delivered a meal of fish to its offspring, this female eagle was ready for some alone time. I captured this image of her just as she was leaping into the air. One interesting note about her… If you look at her right foot, you will notice she is missing the middle talon. Kind of unusual but it works well for identifying her versus her mate.

I haven’t been down to visit this pair and their young one lately as they apparently just haven’t been around much. Now that the juvenile has fledged, they are all enjoying their new found freedom and not hanging out at the nest much.

A Bald Eagle prepares for launch in Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle prepares for launch in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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