Bald Eagle poses with its breakfast

It is Freedom Friday and that means the images I post today, like every Friday, will be of our nation’s symbol. Certainly I have enough of a collection of images of these magnificent birds of prey to post images every day but I figure you all want to see other things sometimes. 😉

Today’s capture comes from the end of November in Longmont, Colorado. This pretty lady had snagged herself a nice meal and was preparing to eat it on what I have come to call the ‘dining room table tree’ – the spot her and her mate go to eat when they are in the area.

With most lakes and ponds in Colorado now frozen over, the eagles have spread out and are hunting open ground for Prairie Dogs and rabbits. Temperatures are very slowly beginning to rise and with any luck, in a few weeks, we will begin to see the eagles gather near the water as they prepare to head north for the summer.

A female Bald Eagle proudly shows off the fish she caught in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female Bald Eagle proudly shows off the fish she caught in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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