Bald Eagle takes Freedom Friday head on

Sometimes I just get lucky in encountering my favorite animal and such was the case on October 28. I went for a random drive after work not far from my house and lucked out finding a pair of eagles hanging out between a road and the South Platte River.

The pair put on one heck of a show. Initially they sat and posed but then got active and put on an awesome aerial show.

Here, the female is seen as she circles near the tree where her mate was. Lighting was a bit tough as it was late in the day but I was excited to have the opportunity.

I do suspect this pair is attempting to establish a nest in the area although if it is where I think it is, it is out of reach so photo opportunities will be limited. Nevertheless, it is exciting to think about the possibilities.

A Bald Eagle flies head on in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle flies head on in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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