I suppose it couldn’t be more fitting than that the last pictures I took in 2018 were of my favorite photo subject, the American Bald Eagle.
Given frigid cold temperatures and blowing snow, my photo excursion had not been very good yesterday. As I was nearing home, I decided to check some local spots that these raptors like to hang out in during the winter months and was happy to have found this pretty lady.
She was initially in an open field but immediately left so I followed her and found her again sitting on a post adjacent to a suburban pond. She didn’t give me a chance to get out from behind a bush to get a clear shot of her sitting but when she took flight, she circled back giving me a nice flyby.
It isn’t easy to get clear pics when it is snowing so I am pretty pleased with these captures given the conditions. What will my first pic of 2019 be? I am guessing more of the same. 😉