Red fox licks its chops
A red fox licks its lips while relaxing in some reeds. (© Tony’s Takes)

What a pose, eh? So stinking cute! Taken earlier this week on an after work walk and posting now for Fox Friday. As I walked along a little wetland area, I saw where a lot of the reeds were matted down, sure signs of a critter. As I slowly approached, there the fox was, all curled up and out cold sleeping. I snapped a bunch of pics of it as it slumbered and eventually, it woke up and looked right at me, at one point licking its chops as you see here. As I was standing straight into the sun, I am sure I was silhouetted and looked like nothing more than an odd-shaped shadow. The fox didn’t show any alarm, just lying there, looking at me, seemingly trying to figure out what I was. In fact, it started to doze off again. Not wanting to disturb it, I very, very slowly backed away and, unfortunately, that little movement was enough for the fox to realize I was one of those big, bad humans and it darted off. A very fun encounter and why I always say, you just need to #GetOutside!

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