Bald Eagles return to their winter roost

Colorado has relatively few year-round resident Bald Eagles but during the fall and winter, it becomes a popular spot for these raptors looking for warmer environs than those to the north where they spend their summers.

In recent weeks I’ve noticed a number of them arriving for the season, a bit ahead of schedule as compared to years past. Best of all is a sighting of this pair along the South Platte River north of #Denver not far from where I live.

Historically it was a bit of a ‘hot spot’ of activity but last year things seemed to slow down – I am guessing due to a lot of construction that has been happening in the area. These two have seemingly staked out the area as their seasonal roost and were kind enough to pose for pictures this past weekend and provide us with our images for Freedom Friday.

The light was a bit tough and their chosen tree is on the opposite side of the river but I managed some pretty good captures and hope to see much more of them in the coming months.

Scroll down for the complete gallery of images from the day.

A male Bald Eagle looks into the morning sun while roosted in a tree along the South Platte River.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Bald Eagle looks into the morning sun while roosted in a tree along the South Platte River. (© Tony’s Takes)

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