Bald Eagles battle for a roost

I shot this series of images earlier this month. Not the best quality due to distance and dim lighting but kind of fun to see. A juvenile Bald Eagle had claimed the top of a utility pole as its roost when an older, but still juvenile, eagle came along and chased it off. The look on the youngest one’s face as it realizes what is happening is kind of amusing. Taken in Adams County, Colorado.?

Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 1 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 1 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 2 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 2 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 3 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 3 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 4 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 4 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 5 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 5 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 6 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 6 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 7 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)
Bald Eagles battle for a roost. Sequence. 7 of 7. (© Tony’s Takes)

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