Big boy on the move
A massive moose bull climbs a hill while keeping watch. (© Tony’s Takes)

A fresh one for #MooseMonday, taken at dawn yesterday morning.

We were camping in the high country and as always, I ventured out to see what I could find, hoping to find some big boys. Saturday all I got were two young bulls and a cow so was wanting more – and I was granted my wish. Going down the winding dirt road I came to a hill and at the top was this handsome fellow, blocking the way.

He, of course, had the right of way so I waited for him to move. A car coming the other way spooked him off and he came right toward me, climbing the hill next to my vehicle. I couldn’t get zoomed out fast enough to get him entirely in frame.

He was clearly quite impressive and if you look to the left of him, you can see he had a buddy with him. In the end I was able to spend nearly an hour with them before they headed off into the forest.

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