It is Moose Monday and since we are getting some much-needed snow here on the Colorado Front Range today, this seems like an appropriate image to share.
This was actually taken back on September 24th during one of the first decent snowfalls to hit the high altitudes here. The weather looked iffy at best but I could not resist at least making an attempt to see them before winter weather arrived in earnest.
At 10,000+ feet in altitude I knew it would be cold and fresh snow had fallen. There was some welcome sun initially but soon the clouds descended bringing a thick fog and snow began to fall again. It was then that I finally found what I sought.
This big fella had laid down not far off the road but well hidden from view. Had I not opted to hike into the forest for a look beyond the road, I would have never seen him. The fog and dim light made for tough shooting conditions but I was happy as heck not only to have spent time with him but also to have captured my first ‘moose in snow’ pictures.
Taken in the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area of Colorado.