Big bull Moose relaxes in the shade

It is Moose Monday! On a long ATV ride in Colorado’s high country this past summer, we kept coming across wet areas with lots of willows and I was telling my family, “There have to be moose here.” Returning to camp what do we find? Two bulls and two cows grazing in the mid-afternoon.

I didn’t have my ‘good’ camera so we raced the seven mile back to camp then my wife and I raced back and thankfully the four were still there. With all the motorized traffic they were a bit apprehensive but this big guy clearly wasn’t too bothered by the attention.

Taken in Grand County in Arapaho National Forest, Colorado.

A bull Moose rests in the shade of Arapaho National Forest.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A bull Moose rests in the shade of Arapaho National Forest. (© Tony’s Takes)

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