Big eyes on a beautiful snowy owl

Big eyes on a beautiful snowy owl
A snowy owl stands tall, keeping watch, in the suburbs of Denver. (© Tony’s Takes)

Taken almost exactly three years ago today on what was my most recent chance to photograph these amazing visitors from the Arctic.

It isn’t often snowy owls make it as far south as Colorado and this year, unfortunately, none have been spotted. The closest report of one is some 250 miles away in northwestern Nebraska and I won’t go that far for a long, long shot at seeing one.

So, here is a never before shared image of this one that was hanging out in the Denver suburbs in January 2018. On this afternoon, it had perched atop the roof of a house.

For nearly two hours it sat there, mostly napping, occasionally stirring. A dog in a neighboring yard started barking and that got its attention – as you can tell. Seconds later, it would take flight and that was the last I saw of it. Truly a magical encounter and a sighting that I hope to repeat someday. 

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