Big fish, bigger bear

Big fish, bigger bear

An Alaskan brown bear pulls a salmon from the river in Katmai National Park and Preserve. (© Tony’s Takes)
An Alaskan brown bear pulls a salmon from the river in Katmai National Park and Preserve. (© Tony’s Takes)

The size of the salmon in Alaska were pretty impressive. They of course paled in comparison to their predator, the coastal brown bear.

We watched bears with varying levels of skill at catching the fish with some being very efficient, others still needing some work with their technique. This bear was among the better at catching its prey and, if you look in the background, that didn’t go unnoticed by a neighboring bear.

Just after this image was taken, the bear in the back came running after the lead bear, hoping to steal its meal. Both took off running through the brush and out of sight unfortunately but we could hear the sounds of a dispute over rights to the fish. Would have loved to have gotten pics of them settling their disagreement!

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