Bighorn sheep ram head on and up close

Bighorn sheep ram head on and up close
Closeup of a very focused bighorn sheep ram in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

This was one handsome and impressive dude – and a bit intimidating. He staked out a spot about 20 feet high directly over the road where I was and stood there motionless, staring at me, for the longest time.

Certainly, I snapped my pics but have to admit I was a bit intimidated and concerned he may just come barreling down the mountain right at me. I did not want to be on the wrong end of those horns. 😉 

Thankfully, he was just curious and quite calm. Clearly this big boy has been battle tested judging by the condition of his horns. The closeup allows you to really take in the fine details of the horns, his coat and those mesmerizing eyes.

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