Black-footed ferret sizes up its next meal

Black-footed ferret sizes up its next meal
A black footed ferret debates whether or not to try prairie dog for breakfast. (Tony’s Takes)

Always such a thrill to get to see North America’s most endangered mammal and this was on opportunity I almost missed.

I was about 30 miles south when I got the word from a friend that there was a black-footed ferret out at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. Since my chosen photo spot for the day was turning out to be a dud, I high-tailed it north (adhering to all appropriate traffic laws of course – haha).

I arrived just in time to see the predator make a dash and stop briefly to size up a nearby prairie dog. The prairie dog was well aware it was being stalked but it lucked out on this day. The ferret apparently decided it was time for a nap instead, running over to burrow and disappearing.

I waited for another hour or so but it never emerged again. Unfortunately the action was a good ways away but I’ll take what I can get when it comes to these little guys.

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