Brown bear charges after a meal

Brown bear charges after a meal

A brown bear charges through the water looking to nab a salmon. (© Tony’s Takes)
A brown bear charges through the water looking to nab a salmon. (© Tony’s Takes)

Oh my! I have just returned from two weeks in Alaska and I can’t begin to describe the experience. It was nothing short of amazing and highlighted by a float plane trip that took us into Katmai National Park & Preserve.

There, we spent all day with these incredible creatures, watching them fish, hang out, interact and just be bears. I have tons of pics to share but first up, what is probably my favorite capture from the trip.

This big boar was large and in charge but, quite frankly, not so great at fishing. It took him probably a half dozen times or more to be successful. Here is one of his attempts as he charged after a fish while coming right toward us.

It was certainly a bit disconcerting but the bears are entirely focused on the salmon in the river and largely ignored us.

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