Bull Moose grazes among high country wildflowers

My photo excursions this past weekend didn’t quite go as well as I had hoped. Wildlife proved to be elusive on one day and the weather with thick cloud cover problematic on Sunday.

This image comes from yesterday in Rocky Mountain National Park. I spotted this handsome fellow as he moved with purpose along a tree line in view but too far away for decent pics. I anticipated he would be coming to a spot where a dirt road intersects and sure enough, he did.

The dim, early morning light was inhibited further by thick clouds over the valley so most of my pics were quite disappointing. I did manage this one when, for a very brief instant, the sun broke through and shed light right where the bull happened to be.

This image is available for purchase here.

A bull Moose grazes among wildflowers in Rocky Mountain National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bull Moose grazes among wildflowers in Rocky Mountain National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

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