Bull moose head on working off the last of its velvet

Bull moose head on working off the last of its velvet

A moose bull head on with the remnants of velvet on its antlers. (© Tony’s Takes)
A moose bull head on with the remnants of velvet on its antlers. (© Tony’s Takes)

Quite an intimidating view of this big boy, eh?

With the bloody remnants of its velvet hanging from its antlers, this moose bull definitely gets your attention. I was of course taking pictures with a very big lens from a safe distance when I saw him yesterday morning in the Indian Peaks Wilderness area.

I haven’t had much luck getting pics of these favorites this year but this guy helped to redeem things a bit. I spent more than an hour watching him as he grazed on the willows just after the sunrise at 10,000 feet.

Getting the velvet off its antlers is the prelude to the annual rut which is just about ready to start. It may look uncomfortable but it is a natural process and one that doesn’t hurt the moose.

Experts say it is more of an irritant than anything to the big guys, even if it looks gross. I think it looks really cool and is perfect for #MooseMonday.  😉

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