Bull Moose pays close attention to the photographer

Bull Moose pays close attention to the photographer

A bull Moose pays close attention in Arapaho National Forest. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bull Moose pays close attention in Arapaho National Forest. (© Tony’s Takes)

An absolutely fun morning recently as we camped in Arapaho National Forest. The rest of my crew was more interested in sleeping in than wildlife watching so I headed off alone, going further into the forest.

I had oftentimes seen Moose in this area and this time was no different. Four bulls – three fully grown, one juvenile – were grazing next to a creek. Three of the four didn’t pay me any attention as I stood by my truck and snapped pictures.

One, however, was quite curious about me, routinely pausing his eating to look right at me and monitor me. Here, he had raised his head and gave me a nice look right into the eyes. In the end, I spent an hour-and-a-half with the group, just me and them, and it made for a very special day.

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