Burrowing Owl pair on a frosty morning

Burrowing Owl pair on a frosty morning. Yes, I said a pair. Look close. While the male was willing to come out and pose, the female opted to stay a bit concealed.

If there is a more entertaining bird out there I surely have never seen it. In terms of personality it would be tough to beat these little ones and I always look forward to this time of year when they arrive for the spring and summer. Last season I didn’t have much luck getting quality pics of them – hopefully I do better this year.

During the summer they can be found across much of the western United States. At more southern latitudes closer to Mexico and in Florida they stay in place year round. Unlike most owls, Burrowing Owls are diurnal (versus nocturnal) so it is quite common to find them out and about during the day.

A pair of Burrowing Owls take in the sunrise on a chilly Colorado morning. (© Tony’s Takes)
A pair of Burrowing Owls take in the sunrise on a chilly Colorado morning. (© Tony’s Takes)

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