Little owl takes flight

The one thing sorely missing from my spring and summer photography has been Burrowing Owls. Denver International Airport and the U.S. Department of Agriculture were sadly all too successful in wiping out their habitat in my area in the late winter.

Threatened species? Apparently government agencies don’t care.

Anyway, I have seen a few that managed to find homes in private fields that the government couldn’t touch. My friend, Bill, clued me in on one spot and how best to access them which I did the other day.

They were pretty skittish as wheat had been harvested near them the week before and they likely didn’t care for the big combines that came rolling through. As a result, they weren’t willing to sit and pose for cute pictures like I normally hope to get but one did oblige with a flyover.

I struggled to get focused on it but did finally manage just as it went beside me. Not a great shot really but I am struck by how much similar it looks in flight to its big cousin, the Great Horned Owl.

A Burrowing Owl flies through the air in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Burrowing Owl flies through the air in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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