Burrowing owl returns to her nine owlets

Burrowing owl returns to her nine owlets

A female burrowing owl returns to her nest and her nine owlets. (© Tony's Takes)
A female burrowing owl returns to her nest and her nine owlets. (© Tony’s Takes)

Trying to get a single picture of all of the members of this big of a family of owls is pretty much impossible. I did manage a couple captures though with most of them.

In this image, mom is returning to the nest and all nine owlets were in view. The only family member missing was dad as he was off hunting.

Once the owlets emerge from the nest, they grow very quickly and soon disperse. The evening after this image was taken, three of the nine had relocated to a different burrow further away. Now, a week and a half later, you would be hard-pressed to find any of them.

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