“I’m going to have a talk with that paparazzi!”

“I’m going to have a talk with that paparazzi!”

A female burrowing owl marches ahead. (© Tony's Takes)
A female burrowing owl marches ahead. (© Tony’s Takes)

Well, it seems this female burrowing owl finally had enough of having a camera pointed at her. 😉

Not a very good pic in terms of quality due to the dim light at the time, but a fun one nonetheless. I was photographing this lady, her mate and their nine owlets (yes, nine!) one evening this week.

She seemed to take notice of me and began chattering at me. When I didn’t move, she then marched right toward me getting another 10 feet closer. It was hilarious as she looked so danged serious about the situation and when they walk, they look kinda goofy.

In the end she decided I wasn’t a threat and went back to taking care of her brood.

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