Camouflaged Moose cow

You would think it would be hard for something standing six feet tall and weighing several hundred pounds to catch you off guard but that is just what this beautiful lady did to me.

I had spotted a massive bull alongside a high country road back in September and had parked and was walking back toward him. My focus was on watching the big guy, making sure I kept a close eye on him. Suddenly I hear rustling directly behind me. I whip around and I see this cow, chomping away on the foliage not 10 feet away.

I was so zeroed in on the other moose, I didn’t even know this one and her calf were on the opposite side of the road. The foliage was very dense as you can tell and even as big as she was, she was tough to see even when I realized there was something there.

Thankfully, she couldn’t have cared less about the photographer and went about eating her breakfast. I of course backed up giving her a wide berth to enjoy that meal.

A Moose cow munches on some foliage while staying well hidden. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Moose cow munches on some foliage while staying well hidden. (© Tony’s Takes)

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