Can’t I just eat in peace?

Taken this past Saturday, July 26, 2014, at Brainard Lake in Arapaho National Forest, Colorado. This was one of five Bull Moose out right at dawn and he was in fact one of the smallest of the group but was about 6 feet tall.  In the background is the 13,229 foot tall Mount Audubon.

Did you know Bull Moose can weigh 1500 pounds and despite their heft, reach speeds of 35 mph? Definitely nothing you want to tangle with. 😉

Scroll down below the photo for a complete gallery of moose pictures from that day.

A moose bull eats its breakfast with the Colorado Rockies in the background.  © Tony’s Takes
A moose bull eats its breakfast with the Colorado Rockies in the background. © Tony’s Takes

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