Chipmunk works on preparing for the winter

Chipmunk works on preparing for the winter

A least chipmunk stuffs grass seeds into its mouth. (© Tony’s Takes)
A least chipmunk stuffs grass seeds into its mouth. (© Tony’s Takes)

A definite chill was in the air at 10,000 feet hinting at the coming change of the seasons. This little least chipmunk seemed to be well aware and was taking advantage of relatively mild conditions to get ready. It had pulled up some grass and was stuffing the seeds into its cheeks. Quite a cutie!

The least chipmunk is the smallest of chipmunks but it is also the most widespread in North America. They don’t truly hibernate during the winter, instead entering torpor (a state of reduced metabolic rate and body temperature) for long periods of time. They will wake and sustain themselves with the food they have stashed in their burrows during the winter.

A least chipmunk stuffs grass seeds into its mouth. (© Tony’s Takes)
A least chipmunk stuffs grass seeds into its mouth. (© Tony’s Takes)

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