Crow enjoys leftovers on ice

This black beauty was looking for a meal and was not too picky about what it ate. The area Bald Eagles had dropped some of their food on the lake and while it didn’t look appetizing to me, this bird thought it tasted pretty decent.

The American Crow is an extraordinarily intelligent bird, thought to be among the smartest. They are also pretty fearless, not afraid to take on big raptors that happen to be in an area it wants to control. I’ve seen them incessantly hassle much bigger birds from owls to eagles, eventually driving them off with their non-stop cackling.

An American Crow inspects some leftover food while on the ice of a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Crow inspects some leftover food while on the ice of a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Crow inspects some leftover food while on the ice of a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Crow inspects some leftover food while on the ice of a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Crow inspects some leftover food while on the ice of a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Crow inspects some leftover food while on the ice of a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Crow inspects some leftover food while on the ice of a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Crow inspects some leftover food while on the ice of a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)

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