Curious bull Moose checks out the photographer

This handsome fellow seemed a bit surprised to find me as he emerged from a bunch of willows. He and three other bulls were grazing in Colorado’s Brainard Lake Recreation Area with about a dozen photographers all taking pictures. While the shutterbugs were focused on the other three, this guy thought he would use the opportunity to sneak out of the hubbub by making a flanking maneuver.

Little did he know that I was standing far apart from the crowd getting a different angle, one that allowed me to capture it just as it emerged. While I don’t think it expected to find me there, it didn’t mind one bit and after a brief pause, continued its circuitous route around the rest of the photographers and off into the forest with few others aware.

A bull Moose pays close attention to the photographer.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A bull Moose pays close attention to the photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)

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