Close-up of an aged giant

When I came across this big fellow last September, it was clear he was the senior member of the Moose hanging out in Roosevelt National Forest. You could see the scars of past battles on his face and his sheer size and massive antlers told the story of a bull that had seen many years.

Here he looks at peace as he grazes on willows soon after sunrise. However, they can become agitated and aggressive very quickly so extreme caution must be utilized and a respectable distance maintained when viewing them.

Moose live on average 15 to 20 years so I certainly hope I have a chance to photograph this big guy once conditions allow it in Colorado’s high country.

A massive bull Moose grazes on willows in Roosevelt National Forest. (© Tony’s Takes)
A massive bull Moose grazes on willows in Roosevelt National Forest. (© Tony’s Takes)

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