Spend much time above timberline near any talus slope or rocky area and you are almost certain to find these little guys running around.

They are quite tolerant of people and once I spot one, I simply pull up a seat on a nearby rock and wait.  Almost without fail they will reappear and carry on about their routine which this time of year involves gathering nesting material and food.  They also are busy fattening themselves up for the coming winter, something which has become quite noticeable on my last few trips as they are getting quite chubby now.

This particular Pika was quite interested in me and after running a few ‘errands’ would stop on a rock 10 feet away and take a break watching me as I was watching it.

An American Pika appears to be quite curious about the photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Pika appears to be quite curious about the photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)

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