Young Bighorn Ram struts his stuff

Even though this guy was a bit too young to compete with the big guys, he wasn’t shy about showing off to the photographers. Taken back in November in Waterton Canyon, Colorado during the annual rut, there wasn’t a lot of real action taking place when I was there. That didn’t make visiting with these creatures any less fun though.

The Bighorn Sheep at this location are quite accustomed to people so you are able to get in close proximity and truly begin to appreciate their power and majesty. Found across much of western North America, Bighorn Sheep are adept mountain climbers, best known for the adult male ram’s monstrous horns. While the animals are social, rams and ewes typically only meet during mating season.

A young Bighorn Sheep ram seems to be posing for its picture in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A young Bighorn Sheep ram seems to be posing for its picture in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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