Do Bald Eagles shiver?

Do Bald Eagles shiver? 😉 I’m not sure if they do but that is kind of what it looked like this one did this as it shook itself vigorously. The image is probably a good candidate for a ‘caption this’ contest .

Last year this particular tree on the South Platte River near #Denver saw a lot of Bald Eagle activity during the winter. Unfortunately with a number of heavy construction projects in the area and quite a few other roosting trees torn out as a result, activity this year has been far more subdued.

A friend called Sunday and let me know this one was hanging out so my wife and I rushed down there and spent some time sitting on the opposite river bank just watching. The image isn’t best quality due to the distance we were from the eagle but it is still fun to see.

A Bald Eagle shakes itself off in a tree above the South Platte River near Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle shakes itself off in a tree above the South Platte River near Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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