Eagle ready to fly for Freedom Friday

I came across this fantastic Bald Eagle last week northeast of Denver, Colorado. Perched atop a very tall power pole, it sat there, proudly surveying the domain of the earthly creatures beneath it. After a time, it decided it was time for a different view and took flight.

As it prepared to launch I captured this image, one which I love in many aspects but dislike for one. The afternoon lighting was just about perfect, illuminating every feather on the eagle. Its raised wings capture the drama that is felt just before one of these raptors takes flight and the wisps of clouds in the blue sky behind help make the image pop. The problem is the perch – I so wish this had been a tree rather than a pole.

Unfortunately, on the flatlands of the Great Plains, trees are few and far between so I often end up with ‘pole birds’ like this. I do love the image though and like to think it helps capture the majesty of the Bald Eagle. Have a great weekend!

A Bald Eagle prepares to launch into the sky. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle prepares to launch into the sky. (© Tony’s Takes)

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