ed-tailed hawk flies over while on the hunt

ed-tailed hawk flies over while on the hunt
A red tailed hawk flies overhead in Adams County, Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

Sometimes you get lucky and the wildlife comes to you. Hiking along the South Platte River last weekend, I stopped to take a break and just kind of soak in the quiet and the natural beauty around me. As I sat on a log, this red-tailed hawk began circling, clearly hoping to find a meal.

I was not on the menu, thankfully, and it seemed to be entirely unaware of my presence. It circled multiple times, some no more than 30 feet over my head. This allowed me some great captures, including this one. I really love the focused look and glint in its eyes. It wasn’t till I got home that I noticed it was missing a few tail feathers which looks a bit odd but still a beautiful raptor.

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