Elk bull bugles into the early morning sun

Elk bull bugles into the early morning sun

An elk bull bugles into the morning sun, trying to entice the cows. (© Tony’s Takes)
An elk bull bugles into the morning sun, trying to entice the cows. (© Tony’s Takes)

Finding himself without a harem, this big guy was doing his best to lure the ladies. What is not to like? A massive, muscular frame, a beautiful rack and a robust call should do the trick!

This is one of my favorite shots from the rut this year in Rocky Mountain National Park. My daughter and I were out at dawn to capture the action, watching this guy and a couple of other big boys compete for the cows.

This bull was pressing the one that had a nice harem, getting closer, sounding off as he went. We were not in a good position in relation to the light so we were trudging through the grasses, trying to get ahead of it as it advanced but it was slow going.

When right alongside of it, it let loose with a nice bugle and I captured this shot. I really like the head-on light and the pose that really shows off the bull’s build.

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