Elk family turns their eyes to the photographer

This image, taken last week, is one of my favorites of my recent trip.  I stopped to watch the bull with a small harem and a couple of calves.  Individually they would stop grazing and look at me occasionally but pretty much ignored my presence.

I watched as these three stayed near each other and I began thinking, “Please look!  Please look!” Lo and behold, all three lifted their heads and looked in my direction for just a brief instance.  Bingo! A very nice Elk family portrait.

It is times like these when as a photographer you can’t help but be excited about one of your own images.

Taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.

A Bull Elk, cow and calf pose for a family portrait in Rocky Mountain National Park.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bull Elk, cow and calf pose for a family portrait in Rocky Mountain National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

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