Ever seen a hummingbird with an itch?

Ever seen a hummingbird with an itch?
A rufous hummingbird scratches its chin. (© Tony’s Takes)

Well, now you have. 😉 

Meet Orange Joe. Joe is a rufous hummingbird and was a constant presence at one of our two feeders during our recent extended camping trip in the Colorado high country. Like most rufous hummingbirds, he was kind of a jerk.

He claimed one of the feeders as his and absolutely refused to allow any other hummingbirds to take a drink. Sometimes he would perch right on the feeder guarding it, other times he would perch in the surrounding trees, lying in wait and ready to dive bomb any who dared to try to partake. He was such a dominating presence, we gave him a name although I admit it isn’t very original. Haha.

A rufous hummingbird scratches its chin. (© Tony's Takes)
A rufous hummingbird scratches its chin. (© Tony’s Takes)

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