Ferruginous Hawk poses with the moon

Kind of a fun couple of images although I do wish the moon had come out sharper. By mid-morning this past Sunday when this image was taken there was a good bit of haze though.

Ferruginous Hawks are the largest buteos in North America and from a distance, their size and profile may have them mistaken for eagles. While they can be found here in Colorado year-round, they are most common during the winter months.

This one has chosen a utility pole for a perch, but you are more likely to find them on the ground standing over a rodent’s hole waiting for an unsuspecting victim to stick its head out.

You can read more about them here.

A Ferruginous Hawk poses with the moon serving as a backdrop. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Ferruginous Hawk poses with the moon serving as a backdrop. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Ferruginous Hawk poses with the moon serving as a backdrop. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Ferruginous Hawk poses with the moon serving as a backdrop. (© Tony’s Takes)

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