Dark Morph Ferruginous Hawk provides perfect flyby

Many of you are aware that this particular type of raptor has been a ‘white whale’ of sorts for me. Ferruginous Hawks are common this time of year in Colorado but the dark morph variety is relatively rare and my best attempts at getting quality pictures have always been foiled.

It was very frustrating to say the least but last week I finally got the pictures I had been craving. I came across this beautiful hawk northeast of Denver, Colorado one afternoon and unlike it times past, it tolerated my presence.

After posing for some pictures, it then launched into the air and gave me a fantastic flyby. Perhaps it was its early Christmas present to me or maybe it just finally took pity on me. Either way, I could not be happier. Scroll down to view the complete series.

A somewhat rare Dark Morph Ferruginous Hawk performs a picture perfect flyby. (© Tony’s Takes)
A somewhat rare Dark Morph Ferruginous Hawk performs a picture perfect flyby. (© Tony’s Takes)

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