First nested owl of the season

First nested owl of the season
A female great horned owl hunkers down in a tree cavity nest. (Tony’s Takes)

This was a pleasant surprise. I was running errands after work yesterday and spotted a couple of bald eagles. Naturally I had to follow and try to get pictures. I ended up losing track of them somewhere over an area open space.

Rather than pack it in, I decided to go for a walk through the area as I have seen some cool things there and wanted to try to clear my head. In a stand of trees, I spotted a great horned owl. This isn’t unusual as I have seen them there before however I have never found any sort of a nest.

Since I wasn’t in any rush, I took the time to go tree by tree, trying to see if I could find their home. Sure enough, after about 20 minutes I spotted it, in a broken off tree about 15 feet above the ground. Best of all, there she was, mama hunkered down and likely laying on eggs.

One pic shows dad when I spotted him, the other mom in the nest cavity. Should the nest be successful and young ones emerge in a couple months, this will be an awesome photo spot. This is the start of nesting season so I will definitely be on the lookout for more.

A male great horned owl keeps watch. (Tony's Takes)
A male great horned owl keeps watch. (Tony’s Takes)

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