Fox Friday fun with food

Fox Friday fun with food

A fox kit tosses a leftover squirrel leg and tail into the air. (© Tony’s Takes)
A fox kit tosses a leftover squirrel leg and tail into the air. (© Tony’s Takes)

I spent many evenings this spring with a fantastic fox family not far from where I live. I took thousands of pictures of them and spent countless hours just watching and smiling.

Flipping through them, I found a number of images with the kits sampling or playing with the meals that the parents brought back to the den. Typical fare ranged from squirrel and rabbit to some sort of feathered creature, perhaps a goose.

Being juveniles though, the kits didn’t always eat and oftentimes just wanted to play with their food. Here are few of the fun shots I got of them with their dinners.

A fox kit and its rabbit dinner. (© Tony’s Takes)
A fox kit and its rabbit dinner. (© Tony’s Takes)
A fox kit and a feathered meal. (© Tony’s Takes)
A fox kit and a feathered meal. (© Tony’s Takes)

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