Get a room!

Get a room! Well, I am glad they didn’t.

I checked out a new Osprey nest stand near Longmont, Colorado and it looks to be a winner. Great visibility, light in the right direction and best of all, two willing photo subjects. This pair treated me to tons of pictures including a few series of wild life action as they worked to begin a new generation. 😉

Osprey are spring and summer residents of the Centennial State and spend their winters in the warmer environs of the coasts of Mexico and South America.  These raptors are actually a type of a hawk.

Making them a bit unique is that they almost exclusively live near water and dine on fish. Aiding them in their ability to catch fish is an unusual reversible outer toe that allows them to get a better grasp from behind in addition to the front. Thankfully he seemed to keep those talons pulled in for this bit of fun.

Copulating Osprey near Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
Copulating Osprey near Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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