Gray Ghost in a head on pursuit

To say I am happy with these images would be an understatement. I have long struggled to get quality images of a male Northern Harrier, aka the Gray Ghost, but I finally had success recently.

I thought my day of picture taking was done and was heading for home. A fellow shutterbug was driving in front of me and suddenly came to a stop. I could see what for but as I stepped out of my vehicle I saw what got his attention. A Northern Harrier was feeding on a road kill rabbit right in the middle of the road.

The hawk did not particularly appreciate us being there but also did not want to leave its easy meal. It circled multiple times, landing once or twice to have a nibble.

These two images were taken as it approached head on during one of its passes. The gray plumage and brilliant yellow eyes are striking and the intense stare of the raptor is awesome. I have some more of this encounter to share in the future but these two are my favorites of the bunch.

Taken in Adams County, Colorado.

A male Northern Harrier - the Gray Ghost - flies head on. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Northern Harrier – the Gray Ghost – flies head on. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Northern Harrier - the Gray Ghost - flies head on. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Northern Harrier – the Gray Ghost – flies head on. (© Tony’s Takes)

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