There’s one in every crowd

Getting wildlife to cooperate to get the ‘perfect shot’ is a losing battle.  I was reminded of this lesson while taking pictures of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park yesterday.

Colorado’s most popular national park never disappoints with its abundance of scenery and wildlife.  From sprawling mountain landscapes with 14ers to creatures big and small, all can be seen.

On this day I came across a small herd of elk grazing in a meadow.  Staying a safe distance away, I started snapping some pictures and they looked at me curiously.  Well, almost all of them did.

One of the five insisted on looking the opposite direction, never looking my way and preventing me from getting the picture I thought I wanted.  In the end though, I kind of like the image.

It showcases how even in the animal kingdom, there is at least one that just doesn’t get it.  😉

While most of the elk look on with curiosity, one refuses to pay the photographer any attention. (© Tony’s Takes)
While most of the elk look on with curiosity, one refuses to pay the photographer any attention. (© Tony’s Takes)

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