Grazing elk and fall foliage in the Colorado high country

The changing of the seasons in the Centennial State is one of the best times of years here. Weather conditions are typically pleasant and up in the mountains the changing foliage streaks the landscape in gold. Throw in our abundant wildlife and you have some great photo opportunities.

I took hundreds of pictures this past weekend and this is my favorite – in fact it is one of my favorites that I have ever taken.

The sky was quite overcast but for a brief time soon after sunrise the sun made an appearance at the horizon bathing this area of Rocky ?Mountain? National Park in sunlight. At the far edge of the meadows, aspen trees were radiant gold. In the foreground, an ?elk? bull bugled as he kept close watch on his grazing cows. It was an amazing scene to witness and I am very pleased to have been able to capture it.

Elk graze in a meadow in Rocky Mountain National Park.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Elk graze in a meadow in Rocky Mountain National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

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