Great Blue Heron gets a close-up

These large, beautiful birds are usually pretty skittish and not likely to let you approach. This particular one might have been like that were it not for the fact it was totally focused on walking the shoreline hunting for a meal.

I initially spotted it when it was a good 40 yards or more away from me. After I took a few distant images, the heron started walking along the shoreline right toward me. Rather than press my luck, I opted to just stand and wait. The bird was so intent on looking for prey, it never seemed to notice I was there, eventually coming within 20 feet of me.

Drizzle was falling and skies were dark which made it a bit of a challenge but it was fun to be able to capture some images from such close range. Taken at St Vrain State Park, Colorado.

A Great Blue Heron looks for a meal at St Vrain State Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Great Blue Heron looks for a meal at St Vrain State Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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