Great Horned Owl nests begin running out of room

As we get further into spring, wildlife becomes much more active – in more ways than one.  Most area Great Horned Owls have seen their eggs hatch and the owlets are getting bigger by the day as I saw at two different nests.

There are two nests that I have been observing near where I live in Adams County, Colorado.  For the first time in a couple of weeks I stopped by for a visit and was amazed at how quickly the owlets are growing.

At one nest, things are getting quite cramped for mama and her two offspring.  At another with three “little” ones, there is no room and two of them were camped out on a nearby branch.

“You lookin’ at me?” A young great horned owl was giving me the eye this morning. You can see mama behind it. There was another owlet in the nest as well but it was hunkered down out of sight. (© Tony’s Takes)


“Why is everyone looking at me?” That is almost what I was thinking as I took an evening drive to check out a nearby owl ‘s nest. Mama and two of her young were intently checking me out. There was a third but it was down in the nest behind them. (© Tony’s Takes)


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