Great horned owl owlet stands tall, focuses on the photographer

Great horned owl owlet stands tall, focuses on the photographer

A great horned owl owlet keeps watch on the photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)
A great horned owl owlet keeps watch on the photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)

Going back to May 2nd for this one and what was my last visit to this nest not far from my home.

Two of the three owlets had fledged and were now in a tree about 20 yards away. This little one though was still insisting on hanging out at its birthplace, not quite ready to fledge.

On this evening, it was standing on the rim of the tree cavity of its home, giving me a nice look at it as the sun began to set and lit up its eyes. I sure do miss the evenings I spent with this family but will be hoping for a happy return come next spring.

Taken in Thornton, Colorado

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