Gyrfalcon shows off its Arctic influenced colors

This is certainly not a bird many folks will ever see – it was the first time ever for me. The Gyrfalcon is normally found in the far northern latitudes of the globe, preferring Arctic coasts and tundra.

This one, Jackson, is a falconry bird used for sport by its owner in Colorado. Unfortunately, he broke his wing a month or so ago and is just now starting to return to flight.

On this day, he simply was not quite ready to show off so I was not able to get any flight shots. I did however manage some images of it posing. A very, very beautiful raptor!

Scroll down to view the complete series of images.

A Gyrfalcon perches on a rock in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Gyrfalcon perches on a rock in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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