This good-looking fellow not only provided a nice photo op, he also gave me a break from my worries.
A couple of weeks ago while out taking pics in one of our snowstorms, my truck died on me (starter failure). A friend towed me to a parking lot and I waited for a tow truck to take my truck to the shop. I waited. And I waited. The first company assigned to tow me failed to show up and refused to answer calls (I’m looking at you Corderos Towing & Services!).
While I waited, not only was I frustrated, I was bored. Good thing I had my camera with me to help me pass my time!
This falcon held on tight to a nearby mullein plant while the wind and snow blew. Thankfully he was quite patient and gave me a few nice captures and a welcome distraction. While it didn’t make up for the hassle, it made the wait and the cold a bit more tolerable.